Capt. Frank Askew
Capt. Frank Askew grew up on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and has been working on charter boats and commercially fishing offshore since 1993. Frank Started working as a mate for offshore (6 pack) boats at the age of 15 and started mating in Billfish tournaments by the age 17. Since then, he has developed and operated Simply Caught Seafood LLC and Up-Close Outfitters for close to 20 years. He has since moved his family to the west coast of Puerto Rico where he continues his passion for charter fishing and commercial seafood. He has kept the Simply Caught Seafood name however rebranded the charter business to Simply Caught Charters. Frank is a strong believer in sustainable fishing practices and strives to set the standards for professional big game fishing and locally caught fresh seafood delivered to Puerto Rico.
- My interest lie in the fine details of rigging, fishing and preserving game fish. After 25 years of commercially chasing giant Bluefin Tuna I have learned that success lies in the details. - Capt. Frank
Proud supporters of conservation and sustainable fishing practices. Our livelihood depends on it !